A few facts on the past of Journeyman priest of Pharasma James Andachi.
4042: Count Andachi of Tamrivena, desperate in the face of mounting orc threats, entreats Zon-Kuthon for aid. The mercenary Kazavon Shadowchain arrives in response.
4043: General Kazavon drives the orcs from western Ustalav, but founds his own realm amid the conquered orc lands. As a side note this act is also part of an alliance between the church of Zon-Kuthon in Ustalav and Vesnic Demicci, (a vampire, member of the Night Harrows and the Whispering Way who also fought on both the living and the undead sides of the Shining Crusade.)
4051: Count Andachi leads an army against the despotic Kazavon Shadowchain. Andachi is defeated and thought to be destroyed.
4670: Weakness and mismanagement lead to upheaval and bloodles rebellion in western Ustalav. The counties of Lozeri, Canterwall, and Vieland abandon hereditary rule and adopt a cross-county parliamentary democracy, still loyal to the crown, known as Palatinates
4689: What remains of the Andachi family now lives in Tamrivena the capitol of Canterwall. The family now goes by the name Rhaskikan. Balton Rhaskikan is the captain of the Wallguard and member of the Palatine Council of Canterwall. He and his family have successfully managed to bury the name Andachi and now live a life out of the shadow of the Andachi name.
4704: Professer Petros Lorrimor moves to the town of Ravengrow in Tamrivena. During his research in Ravengrow he discovers a small farm owned by Andachi's and prompts the family to allow James to attend the church in Ravengrow and arranges for him to start his religous training to become a priest.
4711: James Andachi leaves Ravengrow with his new companions after investigating the death of Prof. Lorrimor. After his promotion to Journeyman in Canterwall's capitol Tamrivena he has continued to travel with his friends and has dedicated his life to fighting the Whispering Way and serving his goddess.