Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Betrayed

Each of the Betrayed were sacrificed by the Count during his mad reign, their greatest magical items taken from them before being killed and rising in undeath. The Andcahi ancestors haunt the family lands and need put to rest.  In Jim’s many visions, each of the betrayed adorned their treasured items with prayer beads to Pharasma that are missing once the item was claimed by the Count.  Brother Jim believes if the prayer beads are recovered the beads will protect against or nullify the magical item the owner’s bead is connected to. 

Banik Andachi Ring of Xray vision
Chryseis Andachi Hat of Disguise, she was the Counts Lover, a widow of his uncle
Filipeki Andachi Banded Mail of Luck
Marek Andachi Belt of Physical Might
Miloš Andachi Magical Oils and Poisons
Nadežda Marjana Andachi Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
POSPÍŠIL Andachi  Nightmare boots, he helped the Count betray the others before finally being betrayed by the Count. Some versions of the rise of Kazavon claim that POSPÍŠIL chose undeath as a final means of service to the Count and Zon Kuthon.
Rudolf Andachi Raven Bracers, Rudolf is Jim’s direct ancestor and this magical item actually belongs to Jim if recovered.
Scaevola Andachi Vampiric Gloves
Simonides Andachi Amulet of Mighty Fists
Svoboda Andachi Fleshwarped Scorpion's Tail, some tales claim that the Count rode into combat with this weapon against the orcs, while others claim it was a great sword.  

Valerianus Andachi Ring Of Protection +3, family lore is that the faithful divine casters who wore this ring benefited from it as a one does with a Pearl of Power. 

Fleshwarped Scorpion's Tail (18,505gp) CL9, Weight 3lbs. 
This +1 scorpion whip is made from the tail of a giant cave scorpion. Three times per day, it allows the wielder to use a poison effect (as the spell, save DC 1 5) upon a creature struck by the whip. The wielder can decide to use the power after she has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the poison effect must be invoked in the same round that the whip strikes. 
In addition, the fleshwarped scorpion's tail can be attached to (or removed from) a willing or helpless creature with 1 hour of surgery and a successful DC 20 Heal check. Whether or not the surgery is successful, the creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage. While the tail is attached, the creature gains a natural sting attack that deals damage as the fleshwarped scorpion's tail (including the enhancement bonus and ability to use the poison effect three times per day). The save DC for the poison effect becomes 10 + 1/2  the creature's Hit Dice + its Constitution modifier.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, beast shape III, poison