We visited the Nollman family gathering. Jarl charmed one of the kids at the meeting who told us about the others at the meeting. Three guards came out. One of the guards was recognized as a local master of the bastard sword and the other two are likely two of his apprentices. An old man at the table (who speaks very slowly) addresses us that we were the topic of discussion prior to us showing. In discussion with the old man we advised that we had expanded “Jim’s” territory. This created some anger amongst the Nollman’s. Lt. Stalarnon was mentioned and they mentined no, find Talarnos (A9). Old man offers a trade agreement 50 years of defined lines and use of mining tools as allowing us to further expand our territory slightly. After the agreement we went on our way back to the island. Upon returning to the island Red got caught by a devil. There are a total of three with flaming bows. DM1 went invisible. 2/3 split up away from the paladin. Eventually 2/3 disappeared as well. Upon returning to the play we saw the three devils on stage with three entangled people. There were three riddles that needed to be answered. On the 2nd question Thesing had the wrong answer and the 2nd entangled person is consumed. The 3rd answer let him pass through w/o losing his soul. Eventually the play concludes and the troupe all survives. The mayor invites all back to the manor for the cornucopia.
Xp: 600
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