Monday, March 4, 2013


I feel like we are very close to being back into a good groove as a gaming group.  With this in mind, I wanted to bring up an idea. I think we should start devoting a 1/2 hour or so every other gaming session towards rule review.  This would be an opportunity for us as a group to dig into a section of the rules and improve everyone's understanding of them.

Initially I'll just suggest a section based upon items I believe we could use some help on that I've noticed while running the game.  As we go though we can keep a short running list of rules quandaries we run into during a game session and then when we have a rule review go to that list and go over a couple items on it.  The other purpose of this is so that we don't have to stop the game in its tracks to look up everything that comes up, the GM rules on the issue at hand in the moment and then someone can add it to the list.

Along with this idea are a couple things I want to address.

Monsters, feats, and CMD/CMB

The Pathfinder adventure paths have unique Monsters at the back of every module.  Usually anywhere from eight to twelve new monsters.  They all fit into the story somewhere but are unique and designed to challenge parties in new and hopefully interesting ways.  They also usually have very unique abilities that don't always go with the standard rules or might even have just a simple statement indicating that a penalty doesn't apply.  An example of this is in Combat Maneuvers.  A unique creature might have a trip ability or if they hit with their claws not only do the rend for extra damage but they also are able to automatically begin a grapple.  These often times are not feats, they are just statements on the monster's sheet indicating that its so.  I bring this up because I would like to see less questioning of the monsters abilities and more attention paid to your own.  New Monsters are supposed to be mysterious and challenging.  It takes away from that if the we have to stop and assure you that the creature can in fact do something.

So here is a simple in game solution.  If you want to question what a monster can or can't do, make a survival check.  The DC is equal to their CMD.  If the CMD really doesn't apply then the DC is 10+HD.

If you want to find out more after the fight, make a perception check with the DC being the CMD.  If you succeed ask your question and I'll tell you what you perceived during your combat.  If the CMD really doesn't apply then the DC is 10+HD.

Your success at either check does not mean I hand you the monster sheet and you have all your questions answered, it means I'll go into a little more detail and give you some clues depending on how well you roll.

Reminder: You don't have to take a Critical hit card.  You can choose to not take a card.  The rules cards for the crit deck are in the box and are a short read, feel free to refresh.

I'll wrap up with one other idea that I think would help all the players.  Start using the dry erase boards for notes during combat.  If you attack something and hit when you struck AC22, a quick note on the dry erase map will inform all players and they'll too know.  Other in combat bonuses and negatives can be denoted there as well, such as counters for effects (Stunned-3Rds for example).  Its there if it helps.  If not don't worry about it.

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