Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hand of the Inheritor

James Castiel Novak's Prayer:
James Castiel Novak

I have given my place in the world some thought. With the prospect of the most improbable redemption encountered and playing out has been weighing on my mind. Is this the right path? Can one be cleansed of such a filthy past? If so, those soldiers we slaughtered at the river pass we gave no chance for redemption...should I have fought for their possible future? What could have been? I have no choice but to fight for her. Humanity is dirty it does terrible things, but they also engage in traits of the good gods. It deserves a chance to be cleansed a chance against annihilation. I must fight for her. Perhaps I have found comfort in You through Your struggle in life mirrored in my own, finding solace in following something familiar... sharing virtues, empathy, courage, the will to act to purge these abominations from our world...excuse me, an attempt to restore Good. 

In following You, I could find my own path. In following You, I could find that path will lead to service.

With this prayer, James' Birthmark flares, it's blurry lines filling in, color filling the image:


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