Travelled to outside of tavern to the south. Well lit alleyway out front of tavern/estate. Someone followed us but managed to escape mid night. Gorby had to give up the watch on the shadow creatures at the tavern. Ulvauno & Atenaar are the best suited to gain favor from the destruction of Rosalla.)
House specialties: Ruffano – Paper, linguistics. Uavluno – Spy, information. Atenaar – unknown.
Head of uavluno family is Bresting Palero Ulvauno.
Went back to the brokers shop to get further information about the caravan problems. Interrupted some type of heated discussion. Met with the esteemed Missepe, Commander Starnon, Lt Chard, and Baron Mezinas Alphonse Vitaron (broker.) 6 caravan coming in to town followed by a dozen special warhorse. The group as a whole have investment in the caravan. Possible infernal bloodline addition to the hourses based on look from Baron. Caravan was discovered outside westcrown in or near Amapus, 15 miles outside westcrown. Most of the merchants agree that Rosalla should be their enemies as well. Picked up gem that is worth 40g from the broker.
Attacked by pack of rabid dogs (5). Color sprayed and dispatched them.
Attacked by 10 large skeletal creatures. Appeared to be a mix of various humanoids. Ran away after one horse was killed and party greatly wounded. Met group of “Nimbus” who is from Amapus. They were alert for an ogre and mentioned that there had been recent undead activity. Indicated other creatures: gargoyle (with the ogre), shadow creatures at night along the vale. Stirges, and a new creature we’ve not heard of … the torble. They attack in swarms and like to eat horses.
Engaged gargoyle near tower on way to Amapus. Ranger killed gargoyle. Group returned after we killed gargoyle including a tiefling and ogre. They attacked us. One of party and ogre were color sprayed. Tiefling went to run away. Convinced him to stay and spill information to us. He knows where the horses are. In a cave at the brook/river goblins inhabit. On the other side of the cave is where the horses are being kept. He believes they’re trying to keep some kind of deal. He indicated that they seem to have some kind of draconic blood. Group of 6, as well as other groups in the caves. Nimbus group decided to meet up with us in town in 6 days. Left us a whistle to help keep the gargoyle at bay. Group leader gave us indication that tower held fat loots
Loot found: Arcane scroll Mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, acid arrow Potion: neutralize poison , potion stabilizet, scroll: cloud kill(9), shout(7), fly(5)
XP: 1325
Continued on to the village of Amapus. Monk joined us. Came up to a cave with a dragonic man chained in front. Lizard man came out of trap door got knocked back by the paladin with a large stone. Foes included: priest, thief, dragon, hobgoblin, and “lobos.” After paladin broke the Scar free he attacked axle and the group. Axle, the priest, and the hobgoblin were killed. Thief and Lobos were left alive. Thief and Scar were charmed by Todd. Scartis said meeting took place between the priest, axle, and a woman named “Chammady” and she took the horses. She’s representative of the council of thieves. Thief mentions that they left a cache of gems nearby in the caves.
Loot: Ring of protection +2 (8000g), wand 3rd/5th, scroll, 0/1, 2/3, 2/3, 1/1, scroll 1/1, necklace of fireballs type IV (8d6x1, 6d6x2, 4d6x2, 2d6x4 p524 DC14)
XP: 600 xp
I'm pretty much copy/pasting so just try to understand my very base ramblings above.
ReplyDeleteI think Syf is becoming the party concsience. I have heard several times in the last few game sessions that this is a lawful evil society. This has been used as the argument to justify an action that the party is considering. I would like to remind people that the party is not lawful evil. I hope it isn't anyway. Syf isn't. Sure it would make it easier and this is the way things ave always been done, but that doesn't mean we have to do them that way.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that people are justifying it by saying it's L/E, but rather using it as a description as to what the society is used to and has to work with. The laws are the laws, whether they are for the greater good or not.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I (Kieran) would like to see the spread of influence of our most noble of families. Some of the ideas presented appeal to me, others don't. Right now I think what is most important is that we find ways to reduce other families favor, increase ours, and do so w/o pissing off hellknights and the gang.
I would of course seek the guidance of Aroden but he's not much of a talker these past few decades. As such I will meditate on the goings on and see what I can come up with.