Sunday, March 6, 2011



Alma and Garavel wanted to meet with us in the morning.  They wanted to know if the barbarian was trying to follow dashki.  Alma mentioned that if we were to restore kelmerane she would likely be promoted to the governess.  In speaking to father z he has a few masterwork picks as well as a magical one.  It is unknown what the specifics of what the magic would do other than to increase open lock.

We went out to scout kelmerane.  Every four hours a patrol of gnolls comes through the city at no apparent schedule.  A ruined structure at the base of the hill appears to contain some large beast.  The Druid decides to stay at the village to watch the patrols.

At night someone was attacked by a clawed creature.  Te creature ran off in to the desert.  The barbarian and rogue disappeared.    About two hours later the barbarian returned to camp appearing like the hulk.  

While under recon, we learned:

At noon a group of gnolls with a fat goat went to a building and left the goat.
The gnolls appear to wander through the city.  Some patrols have left the city but the may or may not be the same city patrols.
E Druid did get an idea of the creature in the building.
At noon 6 gnolls seemed to move a human prisoner from the battle market to a square outside.  The stake him down and disembowel him. The body was left for the vultures.  
Gnolls appear to be around 75-100.  

Heading into the city we saw a group of gnolls heading into the Pesh fields with a male prisoner.  We rushed ahead to the area with the totems as we figured they would be bringing him here.  We destroyed the gnolls and the rogue transformed into a leopard and ran off.  Shortly after while the priest and wizard were examining the prisoner   A tentacles creature attacked the remaining group members.  The barbarian raged and destroyed the creature but then turned on the party.  He ran off with the monk.  

The remaining party members returned to the caravan and spoke with Alma, dashki, garavel, and father z. Father z encouraged the group to slaughter the were creatures.

The Druid went and spoke with the prisoner.  He was part of a group of six.  Four were killed prior to him.  He believed one of the group had escaped.  They were searching the desert for treasure.  There was a cave about thirty feet above the cliffside.  There was a great deal of art of ivory and jade.  They also found a magical halberd, a magical trident, a large axe radiating a magical blood and magical gauntlets of large size.  They spoke of the carrion king who was their leader.

We returned to the city and destroyed the kezurkin and it's pet dog (hellhound).

Xp: 900

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