Thursday, March 3, 2011

Courts of Stone & Flame

This unusual book is called Courts of Stone and Flame, and is a treatise on genies of the elemental planes. When consulted before making a Knowledge check related to geniekind, the book grants a +4 bonus to the check. The non-magical tome is worth 300gp to a collector. The book is famous for its three dimensional image on the inside of the cover. 
A character that spends more than a day studying the book learns the names of all five of the Templars of the Five Winds, their associated weapons, and the aspect of wind with which they are associated. The book also contains a brief entry on Jhavhul, who is listed as a shamed member of the efreet nobility of the City of Brass, a famed location on the Plane of Fire. The entry suggests that he ventured to the Material Plane in search of an army and a legacy to raise his standing, during which time he and his armies warred against the Templars of the Five Winds, but that he was never seen in the City of Brass again.

Other information gleaned from the book:
The Templars of the Five Winds were a group of five powerful genies from antiquity. They have not been heard from in centuries, but travelers in the northern reaches of Katapesh and the southern bounds of Osirion still sometimes attribute miracles or victories to their guidance.

Legend tells that the Templars of the Five Winds defeated a great evil hundreds of years ago near Pale Mountain in the Brazen Peaks, a pinnacle not very far from the village of Kelmarane. Each Templar was associated with a specific aspect of the wind, and each wielded a distinct, highly potent magic weapon.

The Templars of the Five Winds were said to be particular enemies of the cult of Rovagug, god of destruction, and many tales of their triumphs recount battles against the spawn of that vile religion. The templars themselves are jann, mortal genie-spirits dedicated to no particular element. For some reason, these jann cannot die, though none have been seen in centuries.

The Templars of the Five Winds served a powerful djinni princess named Nefeshti, a great genie noble whose designs upon Osirion (Game World Name) and Katapesh (City & Country) have had good and bad consequences. The Song of Edrehu suggests that the Templars’ immortality came from a powerful wish uttered by Nefeshti in antiquity, stating that so long as the warriors retained her favor, they would live forever. This result also grants the names and associated weapons of the five Templars.

• Davashuum: Davashuum served Nefeshti as an executioner and, in dire extremes, as an assassin. He represents the fury of winds from all directions and wields a powerful quarterstaff.

• Kardswann : A scout and traveler of the planes, Kardswann’s weapon is an elaborate greataxe, and he represents the south wind, the most well-traveled and worldly of the winds.

• Pazhvann: Pazhvann is Nefeshti’s advisor and spiritual guide. He represents the east wind, upon which the whispers of the gods and the advice of elders are carried. His weapon is a tremendous burning flail.

• Vardishal: A general of Nefeshti’s armies, he was a weapon’s master and could wield any weapon. He represents the north wind, a wind said to carry the battle cries of all armies.

• Zayifid: Nefeshti’s spy, messenger and diplomat. He represents the west wind, upon which secrets thought hidden were carried. His weapon is a delicate but razor-sharp scimitar.
City of Brass Image in Book

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