While resting we heard the sound of military booted feet. The sneaky ones went out and located a group of hell knights. Upon meeting them they shared breakfast with us and took off their helms. Word from the hellknights is that there is a goblin king sorcerer amassing power in the ruins. Hell knights provided information that they believe there is something beneath the temple. Name of the hellknight “leader” is Karn.
Upon arriving at the temple we used cloudkill to remove the sentry and clean out below the temple. We went to the wood carver building. Upon inspection there was a narrow flight of stairs leading down. Movement upstairs was 2 recently armed tieflings. Palavin (Cleric of Asmodeus) & Darvano, “the digger.” Was told to look out for them. Charmed tiefling advised there is a goblin king in the old sewers and canals. Goblin name is White Chin. He is near the north wall. 20-25 total in group and mercs. Palavine believes that if they do enough he may gain admittance to the council of thieves. Palavine believes he’s the great grandson of Mammon. (One of the lords of the nine hells.) Tiefling heads off to the caves outside of town. Tiefling’s name is Carlisle.
Loot: Padded armor x2, Cloak of resistance +1 (tainted#4 for priest), regular cloak, dagger, x2 short swords, potion cure light d8+1x2 (to Red).
2nd building entered is the tailor. Three tieflings are in room resting. All three are dispatched.
Loot: +1 short sword. Cure light d8+3 x3. Found two tanglefoot bags.
3rd building is the cobbler’s. Building is largely boarded up but there are a number of footprints outside.
4th building is the chairmaker’s. Ground floor window is boarded up. Upon opening, several skeletal wolves came out and attacked. Total of 6 wolves.
Loot – Light Xbow +1 + 20 bolts (Hollow for poison. 10 are poisoned) Blue Whinnis poison. (Rogue took xbow.) Injury DC14. 1rd-2rd. 120g for each gold. 1con + 1d3 hours of unconscious. 3x darkvision potions.
Everyone gains an action die.
After 4th, went to bldg 3 where there was a maggot like creature. Shooting from above left the creature dead with no retaliation. Maggot creature ate everything in the building. Giant rotgrub.
Entered temple. Four dead tieflings and dog. In the bell tower there is another tiefling body.
Loot: Cloak of elvenkind (taint#3. -1fort, sell poison with lvl/surv check dc15.) (2500g) +5 stealth (Red). Incense of meditation (4900gp. P520 (White) wand of identify – 37 charges. 100g.
“Praise and thanks to those who spent their lives in the service to Arastil. Their work strengthens us all.” Scarred into the wall/door in the bottom of the stairwell under the temple. Stone door at the bottom of the stairs. The door was opened…..
Exp: 960 xp
While resting we heard the sound of military booted feet. The sneaky ones went out and located a group of hell knights. Upon meeting them they shared breakfast with us and took off their helms. Word from the hellknights is that there is a goblin king sorcerer amassing power in the ruins. Hell knights provided information that they believe there is something beneath the temple. Name of the hellknight “leader” is Karn.
Upon arriving at the temple we used cloudkill to remove the sentry and clean out below the temple. We went to the wood carver building. Upon inspection there was a narrow flight of stairs leading down. Movement upstairs was 2 recently armed tieflings. Palavin (Cleric of Asmodeus) & Darvano, “the digger.” Was told to look out for them. Charmed tiefling advised there is a goblin king in the old sewers and canals. Goblin name is White Chin. He is near the north wall. 20-25 total in group and mercs. Palavine believes that if they do enough he may gain admittance to the council of thieves. Palavine believes he’s the great grandson of Mammon. (One of the lords of the nine hells.) Tiefling heads off to the caves outside of town. Tiefling’s name is Carlisle.
Loot: Padded armor x2, Cloak of resistance +1 (tainted#4 for priest), regular cloak, dagger, x2 short swords, potion cure light d8+1x2 (to Red).
2nd building entered is the tailor. Three tieflings are in room resting. All three are dispatched.
Loot: +1 short sword. Cure light d8+3 x3. Found two tanglefoot bags.
3rd building is the cobbler’s. Building is largely boarded up but there are a number of footprints outside.
4th building is the chairmaker’s. Ground floor window is boarded up. Upon opening, several skeletal wolves came out and attacked. Total of 6 wolves.
Loot – Light Xbow +1 + 20 bolts (Hollow for poison. 10 are poisoned) Blue Whinnis poison. (Rogue took xbow.) Injury DC14. 1rd-2rd. 120g for each gold. 1con + 1d3 hours of unconscious. 3x darkvision potions.
Everyone gains an action die.
After 4th, went to bldg 3 where there was a maggot like creature. Shooting from above left the creature dead with no retaliation. Maggot creature ate everything in the building. Giant rotgrub.
Entered temple. Four dead tieflings and dog. In the bell tower there is another tiefling body.
Loot: Cloak of elvenkind (taint#3. -1fort, sell poison with lvl/surv check dc15.) (2500g) +5 stealth (Red). Incense of meditation (4900gp. P520 (White) wand of identify – 37 charges. 100g.
“Praise and thanks to those who spent their lives in the service to Arastil. Their work strengthens us all.” Scarred into the wall/door in the bottom of the stairwell under the temple. Stone door at the bottom of the stairs. The door was opened…..
Exp: 960 xp
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