Priest finished the tome of understanding. Gained additional +1 to wisdom, as well as “fiendish luck” (1/day reroll any die. Must take 2nd roll.) Eyes changed, more goat like. +2 Tiefling racial bonus to CMD. From bk1, pg65-67. Book retained magical properties.
On way to aroden’s shrine we were assaulted by flashy birds with red demon-like eyes. Fireball, negative channeling, and color spray dispersed the swarm.
Met up with C.o.W. at the Aroden temple. Temple appears run down (on purpose.) COW members keeping watch. Areil & Janovin inside, all others left. Shadow creature bounty presumably paid by Blue Hood. They believe that it’s something to do with the dusk market. Bastards of Erebus have started committing robberies near the old city. At least one incident resulted in a double murder. Gang of tieflings from the ruined part of the city. Always leave a wooden token leaving a devil’s head in profile. City guards have done little. The 4towers in ruins is the lookout. Janovin thought guards were incompetent and Areil believes corruption. They’ve been unable to confirm the beggars story but they do know there was a commotion there. Bandits always attack at night, never 2 days in a row, and most 3-7 days apart. 8 attacks in the last 3 weeks. Most small portable vendors, one was a money lender and fine weaponsmith. Weaponsmith was killed, then killed his wife. Twice they’ve left their name on the front door. Janovin knows there is a scout in the bell tower. Barn nearby. Not much there, but a large pile of rock located there.
Areil offers potions at ½ price to cover costs. The birds are called Stymphalides. Predatorial and territorial. They fly through and wait for you to eventually die. They are always near water. Swarms can blind. Feathers of the larger are metallic.
At boat the rogue lost 1dex 2 con from the filth fever. The priest will attempt to help later to increase his fort save to remove the disease. Made it into the ruins via the skiff at night. Pulled the skiff into a fallen down building. Building is about ½ mile from the towers (on opposite side from where we were previously.) About a block from the boat a flying creature attacked the group. The creature lets off light as a torch. Defeated creature. Was about a 1’ spongy blob weighing 3lb.
Exp: 600
Priest finished the tome of understanding. Gained additional +1 to wisdom, as well as “fiendish luck” (1/day reroll any die. Must take 2nd roll.) Eyes changed, more goat like. +2 Tiefling racial bonus to CMD. From bk1, pg65-67. Book retained magical properties.
On way to aroden’s shrine we were assaulted by flashy birds with red demon-like eyes. Fireball, negative channeling, and color spray dispersed the swarm.
Met up with C.o.W. at the Aroden temple. Temple appears run down (on purpose.) COW members keeping watch. Areil & Janovin inside, all others left. Shadow creature bounty presumably paid by Blue Hood. They believe that it’s something to do with the dusk market. Bastards of Erebus have started committing robberies near the old city. At least one incident resulted in a double murder. Gang of tieflings from the ruined part of the city. Always leave a wooden token leaving a devil’s head in profile. City guards have done little. The 4towers in ruins is the lookout. Janovin thought guards were incompetent and Areil believes corruption. They’ve been unable to confirm the beggars story but they do know there was a commotion there. Bandits always attack at night, never 2 days in a row, and most 3-7 days apart. 8 attacks in the last 3 weeks. Most small portable vendors, one was a money lender and fine weaponsmith. Weaponsmith was killed, then killed his wife. Twice they’ve left their name on the front door. Janovin knows there is a scout in the bell tower. Barn nearby. Not much there, but a large pile of rock located there.
Areil offers potions at ½ price to cover costs. The birds are called Stymphalides. Predatorial and territorial. They fly through and wait for you to eventually die. They are always near water. Swarms can blind. Feathers of the larger are metallic.
At boat the rogue lost 1dex 2 con from the filth fever. The priest will attempt to help later to increase his fort save to remove the disease. Made it into the ruins via the skiff at night. Pulled the skiff into a fallen down building. Building is about ½ mile from the towers (on opposite side from where we were previously.) About a block from the boat a flying creature attacked the group. The creature lets off light as a torch. Defeated creature. Was about a 1’ spongy blob weighing 3lb.
Exp: 600
After considering some of this, I consider it unlikely that Kieran would really discuss the magic of the book with the rest of the group until he knew more about what the deal was. (Except Red of course.) Nothing personal, I do intend to try to make it work for the monk if possible, but it concerns me in some ways that it's altered me as such.