Came across 4 tieflings lounging in the stairs. Ostengo was the name of one of them. Old one appears to have a fiendish taint. He tried to pretend to be a mummy.
Loot: Tanglefoot bag, Cure light wounds pot, studded leather +2 (Mark), +1 Magic Dagger (Todd), 50gp “Strange amulet Symbol of Mammon Enhances tiefling traits (Mark), increases nat armor bonus.” Wand –Charm Person 15 charges DC15 (Mark)
Behind north door area appears to be dug out by a creature. 8 large dogs came barreling through. Dispatched all dogs. Red found a secret door. Door blasted us w/ Acid. Door eventually opens. Inside, 2 tieflings, multiple dire sized skeletal wolves. In 2nd room there were four tiefling rogues. Priest called the mercenaries that later joined the fight. Mercs are half elf, and “dwarf like” but are not in fact dwarves. Priest, Blowgun using half elf, and one of the tiefling rogues (#4) escaped out the eastern door. Fighter disarmed and said he basically gave up. The priest was Palavine.
Loot: Gold- 4100, Red ruby (1000g)
Duerger 1 – MW Greataxe, MW Cold-iron Longsword(Don), 2x Daggers, heavy mace, MW Full plate glamour crystal, MW Buckler, 5x cure light (1d8+1), 2x Cure mod (2d8+3)
Duerger sorc – 5x cure mod (2d8+3), R.O.P. +1, MW Mace, MW Light xbow, Wand (Mage armor -37 charges) Wand (Hold portal -10) Wand (lightning bolt -10 6d6, DC14)
Duerger 4 – Cure mod (2d8+3) 5x tanglefoot bags
Sorc (Yellow) – Strange tiefling amulet (Travis) Tanglefoot bag, MW Studded leather
Green MW Breastplate, Cure mod (2d8+3), Red ruby (1000g) Magical oil (Keen weapon)
Tiefling rogues – Vile of poison Blue winnis (3)
+1 Flaming shortsword (to mark, switched +2 SS w/ Tony.)
Wand – Ray of Enfeeblement (1st, 1d6+1, 33 charges) (Todd)
Scroll – 3rd/5th – 3 spells
Scroll 1st/1st – 1 spell
Ring of protection +2
600gp of gems (100gp pearl included)
Jewels – 800gp
MW Poison pommel dagger
MW rapier
Jeweled not mw SS (150gp worth)
Notes contain a list of what’s been stolen. Requested more skeletal wolves. Palavine frustrated at not being granted an audience with the council.
Gained 1x Westcrown fame point.
Met up with hell knights to advise information about the goblin king. Let them know we’d consider taking out the goblin king.
Exp: 1335
Duerger name – Brontor – Indentured to our family now.
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