Upon returning to the dock there is a shell-boat available. We noticed a luminescence in the water which later inspection (from Red) turned out to be a Genie. (In the form of a female water giant.) When we landed at the island with the order of the burning earth we found all of the half-dragons asleep. Proceeding to the 2nd building we found the (very large) dragon in the middle of some kind of arcane incantations. (Renewing his spells to bind the patron dragon further in the water.) After severely injuring the dragon with a con-draining blow he blew away the top of his tower and dove into the water (to heal the drain and his wounds.) During this time he called out to Kiera (the Genie) to aid him. The monk made a deal to complete a wish for her (effects unknown.)
At this point the paladin and Scar went down into the water and found an ancient great wyrm gold dragon bound by magic. While they destroyed the bindings the rest of the group fought the dragon and eventually succeeded through the use of entanglement, silences, and a charmed half dragon who could get through the creatures damage reduction. Once the bands were destroyed and the half black half green dragon was defeated the genie returned to the monk and they disappeared for the monk to fulfill his bargain. The great wyrm (Astarathian) erupted from the lake and bathed the island in fire, destroying all buildings and the "abominations" with the exception of the charmed half who helped destroy the father. The group was called forth as "Heroes of the Golden Scale" and were each presented with a gem and a dragon scale. The gems located in the tunnel leading to the water ripped from the earth and embedded themselves to the hide of the dragon, as does much of the treasure horde.
Astarathian explained that he had been imprisoned for slightly longer than two years. Scar is eventually pulled to the great wyrm and becomes fused with the paladin and thus granting him the half-dragon template (and his entry to the dragon disciple prestige class.)
Xp: 3200 (6th level)
Each individual received a 5000gp gem, a "good-luck gem" and a golden scale.
Gem - Bearer receives good luck. You and every good creature in a 120' radius get +1 luck on saving throws and luck score. This works for a random rolled number of days (paladin's is perm.)
Scale - Acts as an amulet of natural armor +2
Additional treasure was random rolled and will appear in the next post.
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ReplyDelete1) Headband of conscious effort (M109) 1/day Concentration check in place of fort save.
2) Rod of Grievous wounds (m174) 1d8+5 to all creatures next to you less than full health. 5 charges/day.
3) +1 bonus to any item (need confirmed if this is +1 or if it can be an equiv to a +1, or if it can be added to an already magic item to make it an additional +1.)
4) Wand of dispel magic CL10 (10 charges) Arcane
5) Arcane Scroll - Spell turning
6) Divine Scroll - Heal, Blade Barrier, Find the Path (Minimum CL or 8th)
7) Brute Ring (M83) 2x/day bull rush opponent. +5 or users bull rush, up to 30'
8) Exploding Spike (m160) Set as invisible trap 10d6 fire. Refer to M.I.C.
9) MW Full plate (prep'd for magic)
10) Eternal wand of mage armor (PHB249) 2x mage armor /day CL-1
11) Potion - Fly, Greater magic fang (+3)
12) Shiftweave (M133) Changes clothing to one of five pre-set outfits.
13) Porcupine Elixir (M169) 12 hour +1 natural armor, sprout spikes 1d6
14) Arrow of biting +1 Arrow/bolt Inflicts poison DC16 1d6 con/1d6 con
15) Bag - MC150 Bag of Boulders. Creates tiny pebbles. 3ch / day. 1ch 2d6, 2 ch 3d6, 4ch 4d6
16) Bag - MC151 Bag of Endless Caltrops. 5x/day activate to produce normal caltrops
17) Bag MC151 Bag of Flames. 3 ch/day. 1ch - Produce flame 1 minute 1d6+5. 2ch small fire elemental for 5rd. 3ch - Immunity to fire (1hr) up to 60 points of dmg. May be passed to another player by touch with remaining absorbption.
18) Dust of Dryness (Dmg 255)
Kieran is interested in the divine scrolls obv and maybe the potion of fly. Other than that I might be interested in Shiftweave but it's a passing interest.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, a great job Travis. Thank you so much. You have made running this game so much easier with your notes and effort. I know you get the extra action die, but I hope you know how much I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAs to your question: ) +1 bonus to any item (need confirmed if this is +1 or if it can be an equiv to a +1, or if it can be added to an already magic item to make it an additional +1.)
ReplyDeleteThe answer is all of the above, you can add a +1 to an already bonused weapon, increasing it from say a +1 to a +2, or you can add a +1 equivalent ability, such as flame, or you can add the +1 to a magical weapon that has a magic ability but no bonus to speak of, you can even add it to a master work weapon that you want to become magical.
Awesome and thanks for the clarification. No worries on the notes, I know how much easier it can be (especially to get a player's perspective, even when that player is frequently getting the who's on first perspective ;)