Started off at home at the start of a heavy storm. Family mother told us about a cousin Cesare Cain who would take us out to the cove. On our way to the dock we noticed that our neighborhood is in much better shape than those around us. the other neighborhoods were in disrepair and were falling down even with the heavy rain. We met our new cousin Cesare. The trip to cutlass cove was very bumpy and resulted in the boat being slammed down on the beachhead. There are two buildings battoned down. There’s a stone building with markings around the door. After swimming we located a shining light (approximately 6” above the water) and 5’ square of light. Upon opening it three shadowy creatures attack the group. We were able to command one of the shadows to distract the first one. Red was eventually able to open the locker inside and take the contents.
Contains 6 sets of false identity to show . +2 to bluff + fame points against datary, nobles, hellknights, etc.
4 potions (Gaseous form.) 6 potions Cure moderate. 6 potions lesser restoration. Thin wooden folio under potions. Several scrolls/sheets of parchment. Wand of restoration 15 charges. Key ring around one of the potion bottles. Folio: Clauraudience/Clairvoyance CL 10, Dispel Magic (CL 10), Erase (CL10), Sunburst CL10, True Seeing CL10, piece of parchment.
Stone building appears to be used by tieflings. A week ago (during the party) there was a \group of four individuals who went in to the building. They usually stay around for a day or so and usually arrive at sunset.
Entering in to the stone building we took a tunnel dug out of the sand. After creeping down the tunnel we came across a cave with 4 individuals, 3 wearing costumes made to look like a mantis. Woman is in red leather armor. Mantis theme is on the armor. Wields dual blades. Red continued on and found 3 red cloaked individuals. Upon returning to our neighborhood (on the edge) we were assaulted by 3 individuals from rooftop. They appear to be of the same “Mantis Cult” that we spotted in the cave. We killed one individual who exploded and destroyed all of his belongings. When we return home we found that someone fired an attack at our “mom.” When the tieflings return they tell us that Jim’s dead and will show us their body.
Xp: 1100 Total - 42,545
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