Aaron joined us to play the monk. After discussion to recap history we started back in the monastery.
The sister brought the urn of Coriana. We returned back to our apartments where we used the grave candle for Coriana.
Where is the hidden cache? Cutlass cove. It is there and not there but it is through there you will find.
It can only be found with a Wayfinder and liriam’s lyrics. Cugney’s wedding. Wayfinder is a magic compass.
How do we enter Delvehaven safely? Recover what I hid through the wave door.
Do you know the location of loremaster liriam.? I believe he’s trapped in Delvehaven. She believes that he was trapped inside with the paranoid bisby.
What haunts Delv @ night? A vampire’s children.
How do we interpret liriam’s lyrics to locate the hidden cache? The poem’s meter and construction are unusual. Every 12th line has an extra syllable. Pulled out of the poem and written in order elsewhere it creates “the wave door.” This describes how you can activate the cache in Cutlass cove. Wayfinder light locates the wave door. Black sand beach on NE shore of wart rock. The smallest of the 3 islands that shelter cutlass cove from water. 300’ ne of the beach.
We’ve heard that the wererats are still attacking in other areas of the city.
Upon reaching the ruins we set up to be ready to negotiate with the dusk market. At the market there’s half a dozen minotaur’s and a group of 8 humanoids. They’re very plain looking and in grey clothes. Traded items at the dusk market for a +6 wisdom (tainted) headband and +6 charisma headband (White and Jarl.) Taint for white – Healed by negative energy (double damage from positive energy.) Jarl’s granted darkvision but causes him to become shaken.
After leaving we started heading back to our home when we were attacked by 3 werewolves and 3 wererats.
Wayfinder +2 survival and can be commanded to cast light at caster level 5. +2 Perception. 1/day expeditious retreat (CL5). 1/day levitate (CL5) (Red)
Next order of business: Cutlass Cove.
XP: 600 (total 41,445)
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