Sunday, January 16, 2011

Notes 1/16/10


We enter in to meet with Alma.  Our weapons are left outside the tent.  They were caught of guard when we mentioned that we were from pale mountain.  This group left a larger caravan to scope out the other side of the mountain.  Alma advises that kelmarane is currently overrun by gnolls.  The colludis tribe took over the village about two years ago.  The caravan is heading to take back the village.  In a few hours of travel we should meet up with the larger caravan.  The other group should have information about an old abandoned monastery that we may be able to use as a base against the gnolls.  

Garavel doesn't trust dashky very much but does seem to be impressed with us.

Dashky believes the gnolls that fought us in the desert are the outcasts of the tribe that took kelmarane.

The monastery was dedicated to St vardishal once holy to sarenrae.

After five hours of travel we came across the rest of the caravan.  They believe there are various desert creatures at the monastery buy nothing organized or intelligent and it would be a great place to set camp.

Alma tells us to visit father z who gives each of us a cure light wounds and the party one lesser restoration.  D8+3.

After an hour we reached the monastery which is in partial ruins.we came across a bass relief that showed an image of a saint pointing toward pale mountain.

Entering the chapel we were attacked by several smaller doglike creatures.  We killed several and two eventually ran away.  Known as pugwanki (picture to the right.). Located 150g of various coin and religious materials.

Throughout the monastery are various carvings showing it's history.  In the courtyard we came across a geier (a vulture like creature.). We eventually found three geier eggs worth around 50g each.

Further down we locate the well which is being guarded by four baboons. Two were killed and two ran away.  In chests we found 60 gold.  We are attacked again by pugwanki.  Two are killed, a third runs away.

The courts of stone and flame is found.  A book worth 300g.  A treatise on genies of the elemental planes.  

Entering to the student housing area we came across a large sized spider which assaulted the rogue.  Beyond the closet are stairs leading down.

Xp: 550. Total 950

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