Sunday, February 9, 2014


Bilith, the man known as the Mistwalker spent hours in study, searching for more information about the relics that called to him.  The owner of this private library had been so very kind to allow the Mistwalker to peruse his collection.  It was his last act of kindness.  No one in the region would find the nobleman’s body, Bilith would burn the vacation home to the ground when he was finished here, another act of destruction…in Rovagug’s name.  Bilith’s thoughts had drifted to daydream as he found similar information in each book he looked through.  Frustration grew as each tome would seem so promising before reiterating the same information, the key that would open all doors.  The last time the mists called Bilith, he could almost taste the power of the key, how he longed to destroy it and feed it to his own relic.  In anger, Bilith tossed the book aside, sweeping several more tomes from the shelves, and screaming at the corpse of the book’s owner.  “Answers will be forthcoming!” yelled the Mistwalker as he kicked the corpse, “ANSWERS!!!”  The broken form of the nobleman received several kicks from Belith before the Mistwalker’s gaze fell upon one of the books fallen upon the floor.  Stamped boldly in red ink on the inside cover, “From the Saffron House Collection”  Bilith thanked Rovagug for showing him the way and set about preparing the vacation home for the flames to come.