Sunday, February 20, 2011

2/20/11 game notes


Eventually the Druid, barbarian, monk, returned to the camp.  They were beat up but the caravan healed them.  The priest returned to the caravan a few hours later but he found himself in the cave in pale mountain.  He returned to the monastery after spending the day traveling across the desert.

Father z provided us two cure light potions as well as a tanglefoot bag each.  We also purchased three nets from Alma.

When returning to the bridge we found 3 gnolls guarding the bridge.  At the bridge there is now a ten foot stone that was not here before and it radiates transmutation magic.  We dispatched the three gnolls on the near side of the bridge.  The monk and barbarian swam across the water while the rogue crawled across the wet bridge.  The gnolls here are all from a similar tribe but are not related to the gnolls in the village.  Across the river we located the possessions of Lum.  

Upon reaching the shrine there is a path leading up into the rock.  We pushed toward the shrine.  To the west we know there are buried ruins.  Inside the breeze carries the stench of decay.  Off to the side there were areas filled with thorny vegetation.  After an initial scout of the shrine we continued up the path into the rock wall.  Along the path we found two harpy and a gnoll.    The harpies and gnoll were dispatched and we located lum in one of the caves.

In one cave we found three chests.  Several barrels with wine, liquor.    Each chest contains 500 gold, Bag of diamond dust, Arcane scroll sleep (1) Arcane wand rope trick 3rd 16 charges.  Goggles of minute seeing.  +1 scythe.  Arcane scroll detect secret doors (1) See invisibility potion.

We returned to the shrine into the temple interior.  Under a flagstone we find a copper mask symbol of nethys.  30g.  Wand of open/close 14 32 tarnished silver.  Golden pectoral worth 1300-1400g.  While locating these objects large spiders crawled along the walls and ceiling and attacked.  The spiders produced a venom that reduced strength.  The spiders were slaughtered and we continued to an off room.  Leading down a stone stair we came across a room with pharoahs and a babboon headed statue.  There are three arches leading out of the room.  To the left is an alabaster altar which has a base carved of bulls.

The pillars have writings that appear to be some sort of ancient magical writing.  A hermit found behind a sealed door handed a punch dagger to the rogue.  In searching the cavern behind the sealed door we found where the miasma vapor source.  The barbarian and wizard entered where the barbarian became confused.  In leaving the area we came to a narrow passageway and the barbarian knocked himself out.  We used a rope trick to rest for 3 hours.

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