Thursday, February 3, 2011

Father Zastoran first lesson for Lum (Marc)

The Personal Physician and Spiritual Advisor for the Merchant Princess Almah for several years has you decipher this scroll. This is his first lesson for you in the faith of Nethys.  The scroll itself is a mixuter of languages, riddles, mathematical equations, and clues.  During this time he shares with Lum that he is homesick for the “golden shores of Katapesh”.
Scroll: Few understand the mysteries of the All-Seeing Eye, for their path is one of madness. Worshiping Nethys, a god driven to court destruction by his own dire knowledge, the priests skirt insanity as they pierce the veils of ignorance sheltering humanity from secrets the mind cannot fathom. Even the sect’s patriarchs cannot truly understand the depths of their god’s desires, nor do they wish to.  They leave such questions to the Nethysian Seers, prophets driven to gibbering dementia by the visions burned into their minds. To unlock the inner depths of magic is to risk one’s soul.           —The Lore Scrolls of Muayid’im
After Lum's success at deciphering the scroll Zastoran shares spellcraft lore for the following spell.  He came across it while researching the parties "condition" at Lum's request.  Zastoran sees where this spell could be a help and a hindarance to the party but believes you should know its out there.  Further he believes that the original author of the spell, if found, could help all of you learn more about your condition.  The book this spell was found in was traded to him by a wandering priest of Sarenrae named Zayifid.  Should you run into him during your travels he may be able to tell you from where he got the book.
Reveal True Shape
School Divination; Level Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2

Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (a pinch of rare herbs worth 100 gp)

Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target One creature Duration 1 round/level

Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance Yes

You reveal the true form of a magically disguised or transformed creature, whether the target’s transformation is physical (such as polymorph) or illusory (such as disguise self). The spell does not force the creature into its true form, but rather creates a perfect illusion of the creature’s true form that overlaps it and hides the disguised form completely, making the true form visible to all observers. For the duration of the spell, if the target changes shape or uses illusion to disguise its appearance, observers can still see its true form, though once the spell runs out any illusions or shape changes made by the target in the meantime immediately take effect. This spell does not reveal invisible creatures, overcome effects such as blur and displacement, or penetrate mundane disguises.

He uses a minor illusion to show you what the priest looked like:

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