Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ebin Alhozrod (Aaron)

While the party explored the further reaches of the Monastary of St. Vardishal Ebin explored some of the countryside, becoming in "tune" with his surroundings.  This is some of what you learned.

Death comes swiftly to the foolish and the weak in the shadow of the Brazen Peaks. Ravenous lions, patient jackals, deadly snakes, stubborn birds, and scorpions grown to monstrous sizes stalk those reaches, beasts that see travelers as just another flavor of prey. As if the dangers of the natural world weren’t enough, rocs, ankhegs, griffins, and other strange beasts inhabit the land, endlessly scouring the region for ways to sate their monstrous hungers. And giving cruel thought to deadly savagery, tribes of gnolls, gargoyles, and harpies also claim territories among the hills, exacting lethal punishment upon all trespassers.  Pictures shown are of an Ankheg and a Griffin.


  1. Cool. Sorry I missed game. I'm on some pretty heavy duty anti-biotics so I should be good to go for Sunday.

  2. No Worries Mate! One note, when you are gone from a game, as long as you have a hero point (which according to the book you gain 1/level) you are automatically charged the hero point and in return you gain experience as if you had played. Your experience was detailed in this post. Travis will be charged a hero point this week and in exchange receive whatever experience we gain this week.
