Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lum's crafting

I can now make wands. The cost to make wands is Spell level x Caster level x 375.
This makes a 2nd lvl. wand 2250, not a bad price for a healing wand.
I propose that we take inventory of our funds and see if we cant come up with the resources to make atleast a 2nd lvl. healing wand. As an aside my other feat was extend spell, so my invisibility and magic weapon spells will last longer. The 2 spells i took at 5th are Dispell Magic and Deep Slumber ( a 10 hit dice sleep), I could change out one of these two if there are a requests.
As Nethys is my witness if I find another wizard with a spell book I 'm taking it and not giving it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. We haven't come across that much "gold" really. It's all been weapons and a few 'shiny trinkets'. We'll have to see what we can come up with overall to trade for the stick (since that's really the material cost.)
