Sunday, July 15, 2012

Detective Viorec's Dossier

Jorfa Nevoroh - Blacksmith of Ravengro and one of the towns dark secrets. Jorfa was brought to Ravengro in 4628 when her mother was moved from the high security prison in Ardis to Harrowstone. She refuses to say much on the matter save that her father was a bad man and her mother was innocent. On the subject of Harrowstone she recalls the events leading up to the tragedy in 4661.
According to her, the town was not informed of the fire until it was too late to save the prisoners and guards.Town officials gathered as many as they could and started a water brigade up to the prison. It would be too late for any of the prisoners underground and the few guards fighting the fire would later die from smoke inhalation. In total all 25 guards, the warden and his wife( Jorfa still does not know how or why the wardens wife died in Harrowstone), and around 65 prisoners died in the fire.The reason for the fire never came to light until several months later, it's believed that a guard was somehow controlled to drop a barrel of lamp oil down the prisons elevator shaft. It is believed that the guard was controlled by the killer known as the Splatter Man  On the subject of 2 of the more notorious prisoners being held there. The Splatter Man, a serial killer, and someone called Father Charlatan. Both where scheduled for execution later that week. Several officials and dignitaries who had come to see the 2 executed had to be lodged at the Outward Inn and the Laughing Demon.
Jorfa went on to ask for a favor of sorts, if her mothers silver hair pins could be retrieved form the prisons safe she would work with the group to supply them with the tools they need to continue exploring the ruined prison.

The Splatter Man- A serial killer held in Harrowstone at the time of the fire. Several rumors surround this person, some say he can read minds and can gain control over a person through magic. He was known for his horrific killings using complex traps or a series of rigged events meant to look like an accident.

Father Charlatan- While technically not a murderer, his crimes were so blasphemous that several high priests from most of the "good" religions demanded his death once he and his Sczarni band had been captured.

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