Friday, August 3, 2012

Detective Viorec's Dossier

At the time of the fire in Harrowstone, the number of particularly violent and dangerous criminals imprisoned in the dungeons was at an all-time high. The five most notorious prisoners in Harrowstone at the time were Father Charlatan, the Lopper, the Mosswater Marauder, the Piper of Illmarsh, and The Splatter Man.

Sefick Corvin : AKA Father Charlatan,  Friar Mead,  High Priest Greenleaf, Bishop Twoton,  Archbanker Gold, Dr'tea Master of the North Wind, Moonseerer Pale, Journeyman Smith. Of the five Sefick was not technically a killer, although he was responsible for the deaths several families in Clover's Crossing. His crimes were so blasphemous that several churches demanded he be punished to the fullest extent of Ustalavic law.

Vance Saetressle: AKA The Lopper. The Lopper was known for stalking his prey, hiding in the most unlikely places, waiting for the right time to strike. The Lopper would spring out to savagely behead his victim with a handaxe.At the time of his trial it was not known how many be-headings he was responsible for.

Ispin Onyxcudgel: AKA The Mosswater Marauder. Ispin Onyxcudgle was a small-time loan shark. When he found out about his wife's infidelity he flew into a rage and ashed her head in with the mace he used on his delinquent customers, shattering her skull and his sanity with one murderous blow. Ispin became convinced that if he could rebuild his wife's skull she would come back to life. Over the course of several weeks he stalked and killed nearly 20 people while searching for the correct pieces. He was captured after killing the daughter of a visiting nobleman  from Varno, and was carted to Harrowstone that night.

The Piper of Illmarsh: Real name unknown. Before killing his victims, the Piper would taunt them with a mournful dirge played on his flute. He would paralyze lone victims with lich dust and call his pet sturges to drink the victims dry of blood.Nothing else is known about this prisoner.

Hean Feramin: AKA The Splatter Man .Profeser Feramin was a celebrated scholar of Anthroponomastics at Quartefax Archives in Caliphas. In his trial he was exposed as a diabolist and had made pacts with a succubus. Feramin had become obsessed with the power of a name and how he could use it to terrify and control. Soon he developed an uncontrollable obsession with an imaginary link between a person's name and what happens to that name when a person dies. Every few days he would secretly arrange for his victim to find a letter from her name written in blood, or spelled out carefully with entrails. Once he had spelled out the victims name, he would come for them, killing them in a gory mess using a complex trap or series of rigged events meant to look like an accident.

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