Friday, September 14, 2012

The Talbots

The Talbots live on a small livestock farm under the eaves of the Shudderwood. Their farm consisting mainly of horses and hogs although a few head of dairy cattle are in the mix as well.

The Talbots had 10 children of which Remy is number 7.

Stefan, the firstborn, died at age7. He drowned in a rain swollen stream after falling in by accident.

Kristof, now 33, is married to his bride of 13 years and has a small hog farm of his own. He has 3 children and is now 33 years old.

Viktoria and Emelia are 27 year old twins. Viktoria is married to Denis, a horsetrader the Talbots frequently trade with. She is expecting her second child. Emilia lives at home and is betrothed to Arpad, the main help on the Talbot farm.

Tibor, known as "Strongbow", is a ranger of the Shudderwood. Famous for his hard hitting long bow. He is 23.

Remus disappeared in the Shudderwood over 2 years ago. No trace has ever been found.

Remy, 19, another ranger of Shudderwood.

Anca, 17, called Star of Desna. Believed to be the most beautiful woman in Ustalav.

Ileana, 14, already showing a gift for weaving.

Vili, 9, this one was a happy accident and is beloved by everyone.

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