Saturday, November 24, 2012

James Andachi

In early fall of my fourteenth year my mother decided it was time to inform me, James Andachi, the truth. She sat with me on the cold stone floor and she revealed to me that all of life has been decided, we are merely characters in a book discovering what has already been written.  I refused to believe in such things and despite my anger she remained steadfast and calm. Seemingly out of nowhere she asked me to get something from the shed and handed me a necklace. I remembered she said it would help me find my way, which at the time I didn't understand her meaning.  When I reached the barn I happened to glance over at the window and noticed an intense set of illuminated blue eyes in the house beside my mother. Before I could even react a forceful beam of light emanated from my home consuming it in flames. Nothing remained. All I had to remember her by was this necklace.  Later a wandering priest would identify it as a necklace of Pharasma (six mirror rectangles forming a hexagon on the outside, but when looking into the middle from the top or bottom one will see the spiral of Pharasma).


  1. I second that, and thank you for posting the picture... a little older than what i pictured but it gets the message across.
