Friday, December 27, 2013

Detective Viorec's Dossier

Current werewolf tribes of the Shudderwood.

Dorzhanevs or Broken Ones: These lycanthropes settle
in remote or isolated territories, building small provincial
communities near the wood’s edge. For the most part, they
pose as simple farmers or trappers, occasionally traveling
to larger communities to sell or trade for goods. They live
and hunt in small packs, targeting lone travelers or those
who stray from larger groups. Physically smaller than the
other  tribes,  the  Broken  Ones  transform  into  red  wolves.
Their  pack  structure  is  matriarchal,  and  their  current
tribe leader is the druid Cybrisa Dorzhanev.

Jezeldans  or  Demon  Wolves:  The Demon Wolves
are  an  amalgam  of  newly  afflicted  werewolves,
whose  pitiful  existence  is  typically  scorned  by  most
natural  lycanthropes,  and  exiles  from  other  tribes,  all
worshipers  of  the  Demon Lord Jezelda,  Mistress of the
Hungry Moon. Their current tribe leader, an antipaladin
named  Adimarus  Ionacu,  was  once  in  fact  an  afflicted
werewolf who willingly contracted the disease in devotion
to his demonic patron. As a boon, Jezelda transformed him
into  a  natural  lycanthrope,  and  bade  him  convert  more
werewolves  to  her  worship. Jezeldans are one of the fastest-growing
tribes in the region, and may soon rise as the new lords of the wood.

Mordrinacht or Silverhides: The Mordrinacht, colloquially
known as the Silverhides for their gray-white fur, are more
aggressive than the Broken Ones, yet possess more composure
and  subtlety  than  the  other  tribes. The Mordrinacht
rarely  form  standard  packs, instead  living  much  of  their
lives as solitary  individuals or lone wolves. They have also been
successful at blending  in with normal humans and
living  secretly within their communities, with a few bold
individuals even settling in some of Ustalav’s major cities.
Descended  from  those  afflicted  with  lycanthropy by the
ancient  high  priest  of  Desna, the Mordrinacht have long
gathered  at  the Stairs of the Moon to pay homage to the
spirit of their ancestors. It is no secret that the
Silverhides’ current leader, Mathus Mordrinacht, has had
designs on the position of packlord over all the packs of the
Shudderwood for some time.

Vollensag or Primals: The smallest of the Shudderwood’s
tribes, the Vollensag are all descended from the ancient Kellid
tribes who once inhabited these lands before they were driven out by the
invading Varisians. At present , less t ha n 30 Vollensag remain ,
settled deep in the woods and traveling in small migratory
hunting packs, living as much as their ancestors did. Despite
their declining numbers, the Primals’ ability to transform
into large gray dire wolves makes them a force among the wolves
of the wood. Until recently, the Vollensag
tribe leader, Kvalca Sain, was packlord over all the wolves of
the Shudderwood.

Prince’s  Wolves:  Varisian  werewolves  with  ties  to  the
Sczarni crime family, the Prince’s Wolves were created as part
of Prince Andriadus Virholt’s efforts to rid his lands of the
agents of the Whispering Tyrant centuries ago. The Prince’s
Wolves maintain a tight pack structure and spend much of
their time traveling in small family groups. The Prince’s Wolves
transform into wolves with brown or gray fur, and their current tribe
leader is a roguish scoundrel named Rhakis Szadro.

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