Saturday, March 8, 2014

Inspector Fredrick Abberline's death

As he sat listening to the young woman's tale Fredrick reflected on how they had met that evening. His afternoon walks always took him past Joeminda's old shop. He stopped to wonder what had happened to her and where she was now, it was still an unanswered question. He hated not knowing.

This day was different though, a light was on in the alchemists shop and the door was open. He walked up to find the new owner diligently sorting herbs and powders into several different glass vials. Polite conversation and his natural charm put the woman at ease. She introduced herself as Areen Mardessen, a retired adventurer and part time Pathfinder from Absalom. Fredrick invited her to dine with him and drinks soon after led to the two of them retiring to his parlor. As they shared stories of past adventures he noticed an odd noise from downstairs.

"What's that my dear? Andrezi Galdana? Yes he was one of my companions. " Fredrick was caught off guard by the question. Only half listening to his new interest, the sounds were louder now." I say, does that sound like footsteps to you? I sent William home long ago. I wonder if he's returned for something." 
As the bard moved to stand up a man appeared at the top of the stairs. "You're not William! What is the meaning of this? "

The man moved quicker than anyone Fredrick had seen before, his stance reminding him of a Lepidstadt duelist. The shadowy figure was running his blade through him before he had stood. Fredrick's last sight was of his killers eyes gleaming with a maniacal evil, his last thoughts were a poor woman's screams.

Hours later the shadowy killer sat in the room the old Professor had constructed to keep himself safe when dealing with spirits. He held the bards skull in both hands starring into the empty sockets. "Now good Sir, you will tell me all you know about my dear cousin."

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