Saturday, December 17, 2016

Harris Fairclaw- Templar of the Ivory Labyrinth

Harris Fairclaw
Harris Fairclaw was well hid from the Queen’s army of paladins.  From his perch in the stone tree he had a fairly good view of most of the rank n file.  Harris had followed crusaders when they departed Kenabres, having witnessed the army’s arrival and departure.  

The demon worshiping Templar knew that every day that went by without his getting the information into the right hands decreased its value.  For Harris, the right hands were the hands that would reward him the most.   The Templar needed to get ahead of the army without being noticed so he could cross Vilareth Ford and travel ahead to Drezen.  If Harris got there in time to warn Staunton of the threat headed the dwarfs way, he might finally be rewarded with the powers and prestige he so richly deserves.

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