Saturday, July 1, 2017

A Message From Queen Galfrey

To the Heroes of Drezen—
Words cannot convey my gratitude for what you have done.  I wish that I could say the worst is over, but as you must surely know, the liberation of Drezen is but the first of many steps. You are poised to serve in a way that no others among the crusaders can match. Use Drezen as a base of operations. Set out to explore the Wounded Lands to the south and west for anything else we can use against the demons. You, being on the front lines, doubtless have already isolated several possible leads to investigate, but do not hesitate to consult those I have sent north with you. Sosiel, Aron, Irabeth, and the rest know much of the region’s history and legends. Word of your success and Drezen’s liberation has already started to spread, and already I see the results in the faces of my soldiers. They fight with renewed morale. Our increased tenacity along the southern borders should keep the eye of Deskari turned away from you, affording you time to explore and investigate behind enemy lines. With your aid, I now feel that victory is finally something we can hope for.

Queen Galfreay

DREZEN LG large town Corruption –2; Crime –4, Economy –5; Law +3; Lore +0; Society –1
Qualities holy site, strategic location, tenacious Danger +5 Disadvantages ruined
Government overlord
Population 2,150 (1,860 humans, 170 dwarves, 35 half-elves, 20 elves, 20 halflings, 15 aasimars, 10 gnomes, 10 half-orcs, 10 other)
Notable NPCs
High Priest Sosiel Vaenic (NG male human cleric of Shelyn 7)
Irabeth Tirabade, Commander of Drezen (LG female halforc paladin 7)
Riftwarden Aravashnial (CG male elf conjurer 5/riftwarden 3)
Spymaster Anevia Tirabade (NG female human rogue 7)
Treasurer Horgus Gwerm (LN male human aristocrat 4/rogue 2)
Warden Aron Kir (N male human rogue 5/low templar 2)

Base Value 2,200 gp; Purchase Limit 5,000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6
Ruined Decades of demonic rule, combined with recent mass combat, has ruined the city—most of its buildings bear damage, and it doesn’t currently have enough citizens to function at full capacity. (Economy –6; reduce purchase limit by 50%; reduce spellcasting by 2 levels; reduce available
magic items in number to small town level [3d4 minor and 1d6 medium items])
Tenacious Despite its devastation, Drezen is now a bastion for law and goodness. (Corruption –2; Crime –2)

SWORD OF VALOR MAJOR ARTIFACT  AURA strong abjuration and evocation [good]
SLOT none CL 20th WEIGHT 3 lbs.

The Inheritor herself carried this crimson banner into battle during the Shining Crusade. An army commander who carries the Sword of Valor increases the DV and OM of her army by 4 against armies of undead or evil outsiders. Yet the Sword of Valor’s greatest power lies not in offense but
in defense. Mounted firmly upon an interior wall in a visible, public place, the Sword of Valor creates a 10-mile-radius area that bars demons and those who worship demons from using teleportation spells and effects and imparts on such creatures a –4 penalty to Armor Class and on all saving throws. Once per month while the banner is mounted on a wall, a worshiper of Iomedae within 30 feet of the banner can use it to summon a planetar to protect the banner and its surroundings for 1 day. Any nonevil creature that sleeps within a 1-mile radius becomes immune to fear effects from demons and demon worshipers for 24 hours.

The Sword of Valor can be destroyed by Iomedae herself, but only if she chooses to do so and rips it apart with her bare hands.


  1. Sir Wyran's downtime
    1. Meet and talk to every member of the victorious army
    2.Accompany a patroloutside the walls of Drezen at least once a week
    3. Make spot checks ofthe guards at various times during the day and night
    4. Retrain Mikor's Weapon Focus (Trident) to Weapon Focus (Longsword)
    5. Train everyday both mounted and unmounted
    6. Performing an 8 hour ritual togive the Grimblade an Evil Outsider Bane
    7. making myself available to retrain anyone who wants/needs retraining

  2. Gundi crafts seven days to re-align the purity forge. He then finishes the next two months crafting on the forge to improve the party's arms and armor. For myself this include a ring of flying, a scarab of protection, and a headband of mental superiority +4, with time to write 9 scrolls for a total of 59 days of crafting

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  4. Bryndr's Downtime:

    *First three weeks
    1. Cleansing/Converting Corruption Forge.

    2. Crafting: Improving Lilliene's Armor.

    3. Retraining feats and Skills.

    *Remainder until downtime ends (4-6 weeks)
    4. Compose Letter of Appeal to King Borogrim the Hale of Five Kings Mountain (45 Diplomacy!)

    5. Spend 4 hours/day during Early Mornings preparing and maintaining work at forge (Represented as Aid Another craft check for Gundr).

    6. Spend 4 hours/day during Noon-Afternoon maintaining/ensuring the purity of Crusader Arms/Armor at the forge.

    7. Take stock of Citadel and Drezen's defensive gaps, ruined areas, and uninhabited neighborhoods, organize Crusader volunteers to clean up, clear out, and patrol the areas for potential infiltrators.

  5. Lillian's downtime.
    Cleansing/converting the corruption forge.
    Retrained to weapon focus long spear.
    Crafted wands of resist energy 20 and cure critical wounds.
    Scribed scrolls of raise dead, wall of stone, hallow, wind wall.
    Ministering to the army.

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  7. Castiel's downtime
    1. Over the downtime, work out if I have any hunches about possible betrayal, mind control, assassination attempts by interacting with the army.
    2. Retrain Improved trip, greater trip, fury's fall, to improved celestial resistance, greater celestial resistance, and Supreme Celestial Resistance
    3. Retrain 6 hps
    4. Perform 8 hour ritual giving DawnBringer Holy
    5. Help repair and protect Citadel Drezen, training and building army morale.
    6. Practice Flying with newly grown wings
    7. Brynderson - Mantle of life and greater helm of command *lastwall Phalynx*
