Sunday, November 23, 2014

An unexpected delivery

Detective Viorec received this letter from Kendra, now known as the Tyro of the Third Chamber. It was sealed in an ivory scroll tube with a magical seal in the form of a scarab.

To: the Malak al-Maut,  Star in Darkness, our Light in Shadow, trustee of Azriel's Mantle and Inquisitor of the Palatine Eye
From: ][

Greetings agent,
 We hope this letter finds you well. Our diviners have informed us that you intend to travel to the Saffron Fields and Plantation. We have assembled what information We have on this area along with  the activities of the Whispering Way. 

Saffron House was, in its prime, the manor and estate of Randolph Carter. The famous architect, and co designer of the former capitol of our country, retired here at an early age with his family. The plantation did very well for a short time, growing the spices and running a small shipping house.

 The Whispering Way activated two of their more powerful agents when they lost possession of the Silver Key. These two agents, along with several shadow cells, moved into the lands around the plantation and set up road blocks and watch towers. After blocking all traffic into and out of the Saffron house  the two agents started a short siege of the area. According to our reports, and confirmed by a team of diviners, this is when the Great Old One, who had secretly taken control of the Carter family and its staff, made it's power known by shielding the house itself with powerful time altering magics. Those cult members that where not disintegrated where compelled to join in a horrific dance that drained the blood from their skin.

The two agents have been identified as Cassilda, Heir to the throne of Yhtill, and her brother Aldones, Knight of Carcosa. Both are very deadly necromancers, as well as powerful dragon blooded sorcerers. Cassilda is the more active of the two. She is know to make weekly trips that encompass the boundaries of the Saffron Swamp. Aldonis is responsible for the destruction of the fields and bringing the bogs and patches of quicksand the size of small ponds. Our agents have not seen him outside of the main watch tower during the daytime but We are certain he travels to the various groups of elite undead that constantly patrol the grounds.

The only information We were able to compile about the Carter family and the Entities that possessed them is this. The Great Old One that claims their souls is known as The Unnameable One, the King in Yellow. We believe its purpose is to posses people by exposing them to a complex glyph that is its true name. Once it has exposed enough people through The Yellow Sign it will then use those bodies to reform an avatar of itself. 

WARNING : The King in Yellow will use very subtle ways to expose one to The Yellow Sign. Be careful that you do not see too much. For what has been seen can not be easily unseen.

Ab Sek, Abet Sahu
Once mine, Always yours
Khu Ba Heteph
Seek and you shall find

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