Sunday, November 23, 2014

Detective Viorec's Dossier

The Saffron House
Manor Lord: The Laughing Man and its court 
Reported Inhabitants: Animate dreams, gremlins, hounds of tindalos,
 juju zombies, bright spirits 
Believed Haunts: Endless rooms and halls, malingering psychic traumas, slowed time

Mired in the clinging murk of the Saffron Swamp lolls a faded yellow stain amid the grasping black and green, a blotch on both nature and time, that the swamp’s slow ages refuse to erase. Tinged the shade of rotting bandages, the aptly named Saffron House leaks its wrongness onto both its surroundings and those who thought they could put a stop to the horrible acts committed there.  Its nausea-inducing shades drive victims toward the sagging estate, and their eventual doom.
Those who explore the seemingly abandoned, sheet-shrouded rooms eventually realize an unnerving feature: the layout of the house itself. Many rooms that serve as vital organs of a home feel under formed or atrophied, uninviting in their tightness or crippled layout. While other chambers seem like vestigial afterthoughts, near useless in their confines.  
Slowly the realizations dawn: that thin things move in the spaces between the walls, that a thousand suicides never freed owner Randolph Carter and his family from their home, and that the house’s noxious color is the manifestation of an omnipresent, otherworldly intruder visible through the psychically soaked parchment of a traumatized reality—one that still watches and waits for more minds and souls to feed it's insidious plans.

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