Sunday, December 19, 2010
12/19/10 game notes
Going down the stairs we came to a four way intersection. At the bottom we came across a pair of invisible wolves with an invisible beast master with a heavy crossbow. After dropping the wolves the vampire escaped as a mist. Later in combat we encountered four humanoids which appeared as though they were local to west crown.
After destroying the spawn we followed the vampire in to his lair where we discovered him and two other vampires. With sunburst we destroyed one, an exploding spike destroyed a second and the sarcophagus, and third was caught before he could run off.
We found a room with many burned scrolls. A second room had various treaty and documents. Collection worth around 250g
We found an artifact called the morrowfall. Easivra a sun god from the past. It emits daylight as per spell. By uttering the name it can cast at will several spells etc. Loot to come later by next game.
Xp 7300. Total 53,165
Soulsmite gauntlets mic 136
Crystal anchor of alertness mic155
Scroll of plane shift
Crystal echoblade mic 49
Heart seeking amulet mic 110
The scionitrix mic 119
Adamantine dagger
Gem worth 200g
Oil of greater magic weapon +5
Scroll of sunbeam
Third eye of freedom - mic 141
Gloves of object reading
+1 fame point west crown
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Heading down one of the halls we came to a trap that returned us to the aquarium room. After passing the trap we came to a t intersection. An inscription reads "who can go forward without knowing from whence they came."
After checking these hallways we returned to the aquarium room to go to the double doors. Beyond is an armory with various plumage. In this room it appears that someone has recently entered and burned there way through the doors. We came across a stair leading down below. The downstairs appears to be a maze due to the fog.
In a tavern area we came upon broken furniture And wine bottles. Red was attacked by a strength draining displaced beast and the ranger was then attacked by a ghoul. White collected some of the essence from the displacer beast. After killing the ghoul we hear a gong as well as the sounds of moaning etc.
After following a secret hallway we came to a room on the 2nd basement. The room is full of broken ship models. Small sized up to 7'. The frigate is named 'pride of the dead' which has an odd orange sail. The ship title is a backhanded slap at bad pirates. All of the ships titles and names seem to be necromantic in nature.
The sail appears to be of a diving nature. Scroll is breath of life. The dye on the scroll is magical. The ink is a wondrous item. Made from rare plant pulp. After studying the ship we are overwhelmed as we feel the room move as if on a boat and the smell of salt air.
Further inspection brought us back to the first basement level where we came across an iron door magically sealed. Using the keys from the hidden cache we entered the room where there was a summoning circle with three hellcats and a red iron door carved with a demonic face. After defeating the hellcats we searched the desk in the room. We also located a secret door in the other room. The desk is covered in ancient runes. They are ancient aslant. The runes are the alphabet. Only certain runes are worn. We were able to decipher a phrase: behold the amber arca. The desk moves aside with a stairwell behind leading into darkness.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
12/05/10 game notes
To the west is a courtyard. We are attacked by five imps and a will 'o wisp. Destroyed four imps, the other imp and wisp got away.
The metal of the dais in the courtyard is made from some metal construct and has runes that create a field of greater invisibility.
One of the symbols on the dais is the same as the symbol for the red planet akiton.
On the other side of the courtyard is the council chamber.
The mural on the ceiling is a nightscape. The will o wisp returned and in trying to open the door fog and webs fill up the area. We continue through the room above the courtyard across a rickety bridge. The bridge collapsed when the fighter crossed. In the following room a water elemental rose from the floor and started a vortex that bludgeoned the party.
We walked through the following room which eventually returning to the Front entry. We then went back to the aquarium room to check the double doors.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Game Sunday (120510)?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
PC Generator
11/28/2010 Entering the lodge
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Items recovered from encounter with Mercs
Reginald's (Human) belongings:
Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Light Crossbow, 3 Masterwork Daggers, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (10 Charges), Wand of Magic Weapon (10 Charges), Potion of Lesser Restoration, (4) Antitoxin
Mogral's (Dwarf) belongings:
+1 Spell-storing warhammer, +1 Breastplate armor with armor spikes, Scroll of Animate Dead, Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement (10 Charges, CL8), Masterwork Artisan's tools (Weaponsmithing & Armorsmithing),Masterwork Heavy Crossbow, (20) Crossbow Bolts
Nevas's (Elf) belongings:
+2 Darkwood Bow, Mithral Shirt, Masterwork Longsword, (4) Masterwork Daggers, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Cloak of Elven Kind, Ring of Protection +1
Darkwood: This rare magic wood is as hard as normal wood but very light.
Any wooden or mostly wooden item (such as a bow or spear) made from darkwood is considered a masterwork item and weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that type. Items not normally made of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battleaxe or a mace) either cannot be made from darkwood or do not gain any special benefit from being made of darkwood. The armor check penalty of a darkwood shield is lessened by 2 compared to an ordinary shield of its type.
HP/inch 10 Hardness 5 Cost: To determine the price of a darkwood item, use the original weight but add 10 gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item
Belt of Incredible Dexterity Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th Slot belt; Weight 1 lb.; Price 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), 36,000 gp (+6)
DESCRIPTION: This belt has a large silver buckle, usually depicting the image of a tiger. The belt grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Dexterity of +2, +4, or +6.
Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.
Cloak of Elvenkind Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd Slot shoulders; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
DESCRIPTION: When this plain gray cloak is worn with the hood drawn up around the head, the wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
Captain Ladybird's (Merfolk-kin) belongings:
+2 Rapier, Bracers of Armor +2, Ring of Climbing, (2) Feather Tokens (anchors), Feather token (whip), Feather Token (fan), Scarab of Protection (4 uses)
Scarab of Protection
Aura strong abjuration and necromancy; CL 18th Slot neck; Price 38,000 gp; Weight —
This device appears to be a silver medallion in the shape of a beetle. If it is held for 1 round, an inscription appears on its surface letting the holder know that it is a protective device.
The scarab's possessor gains spell resistance 20. The scarab can also absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects.
Upon absorbing 12 such attacks (only 4 left), the scarab turns to powder and is destroyed.
Friday, November 26, 2010
keeping our enemies close?
Monday, November 22, 2010
A new tool for initiate etc.
This would be an example of a standard list. I would click "next" and it would cycle to whomever was next on the list (in this case it would have a yellow highlight at top of the round and then it would move to Mark, etc.)
Travis - 12
Don - 15
Todd - 13
Aaron - 17
Tony - 5
Mark - 22
Top of the Round - 41
I could then add on an effect:
Haste - 13 (assuming Todd cast) 7 rounds
This would then count down each round as it came to the initiative of haste. Nothing crazy's already there.
I don't want to take over Don's role as initiative tracker but this would help keep track of spells that are active and their durations (How long is someone stunned, paralyzed, knocked out, etc.) as well as when we need to make saves for poison. It would make it easier for us to remember things like spiritual weapon, Acid Arrow, etc.
I plan to use it for my spell effects and thought I'd let you know in case you want me to add things to the list as we go.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Started off following the tieflings to Jim’s body. When we arrived Jim was very much alive and seemed to have black flames surrounding him. Prior to leaving, he told us that the Drovenge house is our enemy. On our way back we noticed that some buildings were vandalized with whitewash.
We returned to the seamstress to collect her body. We cast gentle repose to keep her body composed.
We returned to the cove where we came upon 6 mercs. Upon moving up the hill an obscuring mist covered the stone building and discover a boat on the water. A flying dwarf with a bleeding warhammer, an elven archer, a regal sorcerer, a bard, a huge barbarian fighter and a female caster. The archer and the barbarian ran away. Reggie also attempted to get away.
Xp: 2250 total: 44,795
Monday, November 15, 2010
Going to War
So says Syf Rufano ranger of Westcrown.
shopping list
1.Cloak of the Manta Ray
2.Ring of Water breathing
3.Ring of Water Walking
4.+2 or higher breastplate
5.something to raise wisdom
The catch is all these items must be taint free.
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Started off at home at the start of a heavy storm. Family mother told us about a cousin Cesare Cain who would take us out to the cove. On our way to the dock we noticed that our neighborhood is in much better shape than those around us. the other neighborhoods were in disrepair and were falling down even with the heavy rain. We met our new cousin Cesare. The trip to cutlass cove was very bumpy and resulted in the boat being slammed down on the beachhead. There are two buildings battoned down. There’s a stone building with markings around the door. After swimming we located a shining light (approximately 6” above the water) and 5’ square of light. Upon opening it three shadowy creatures attack the group. We were able to command one of the shadows to distract the first one. Red was eventually able to open the locker inside and take the contents.
Contains 6 sets of false identity to show . +2 to bluff + fame points against datary, nobles, hellknights, etc.
4 potions (Gaseous form.) 6 potions Cure moderate. 6 potions lesser restoration. Thin wooden folio under potions. Several scrolls/sheets of parchment. Wand of restoration 15 charges. Key ring around one of the potion bottles. Folio: Clauraudience/Clairvoyance CL 10, Dispel Magic (CL 10), Erase (CL10), Sunburst CL10, True Seeing CL10, piece of parchment.
Stone building appears to be used by tieflings. A week ago (during the party) there was a \group of four individuals who went in to the building. They usually stay around for a day or so and usually arrive at sunset.
Entering in to the stone building we took a tunnel dug out of the sand. After creeping down the tunnel we came across a cave with 4 individuals, 3 wearing costumes made to look like a mantis. Woman is in red leather armor. Mantis theme is on the armor. Wields dual blades. Red continued on and found 3 red cloaked individuals. Upon returning to our neighborhood (on the edge) we were assaulted by 3 individuals from rooftop. They appear to be of the same “Mantis Cult” that we spotted in the cave. We killed one individual who exploded and destroyed all of his belongings. When we return home we found that someone fired an attack at our “mom.” When the tieflings return they tell us that Jim’s dead and will show us their body.
Xp: 1100 Total - 42,545
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A point to note..
I considered that it would be helpful if you guys would drop by and make a post for the notes just to make a comment about something you'd want clarified or something that you thought was important to be added. That way if I say something like "White took the Crux out to sea and dropped it into the ocean" then maybe Don states "Don't forget that we weighted that thing down so that it would sink to the bottom."
Psychologically this would also help me make sure that I got the notes done earlier in the week since I'd know that people were going to be looking at them later. ;)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Game notes 11/7/2010

Aaron joined us to play the monk. After discussion to recap history we started back in the monastery.
The sister brought the urn of Coriana. We returned back to our apartments where we used the grave candle for Coriana.
Where is the hidden cache? Cutlass cove. It is there and not there but it is through there you will find.
It can only be found with a Wayfinder and liriam’s lyrics. Cugney’s wedding. Wayfinder is a magic compass.
How do we enter Delvehaven safely? Recover what I hid through the wave door.
Do you know the location of loremaster liriam.? I believe he’s trapped in Delvehaven. She believes that he was trapped inside with the paranoid bisby.
What haunts Delv @ night? A vampire’s children.
How do we interpret liriam’s lyrics to locate the hidden cache? The poem’s meter and construction are unusual. Every 12th line has an extra syllable. Pulled out of the poem and written in order elsewhere it creates “the wave door.” This describes how you can activate the cache in Cutlass cove. Wayfinder light locates the wave door. Black sand beach on NE shore of wart rock. The smallest of the 3 islands that shelter cutlass cove from water. 300’ ne of the beach.
We’ve heard that the wererats are still attacking in other areas of the city.
Upon reaching the ruins we set up to be ready to negotiate with the dusk market. At the market there’s half a dozen minotaur’s and a group of 8 humanoids. They’re very plain looking and in grey clothes. Traded items at the dusk market for a +6 wisdom (tainted) headband and +6 charisma headband (White and Jarl.) Taint for white – Healed by negative energy (double damage from positive energy.) Jarl’s granted darkvision but causes him to become shaken.
After leaving we started heading back to our home when we were attacked by 3 werewolves and 3 wererats.
Wayfinder +2 survival and can be commanded to cast light at caster level 5. +2 Perception. 1/day expeditious retreat (CL5). 1/day levitate (CL5) (Red)
Next order of business: Cutlass Cove.
XP: 600 (total 41,445)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Game notes 10/31
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Game Notes 10/17
Friday, October 22, 2010
Game post
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sunday October 10th
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Adventures in the Print Shop
A decision was also made to dispose of the items we got from the mayor's. All of them. Trade for other items where possible.
Red got in touch with the three Tieflings we have shadowing Jim. They gave us info on businesses looking to move into the neighborhood and we decided to wait 'til Jarl was on his feet and let him deal with them for the family. They also reported suspicious activity at a local printers. As a reward we outfitted them in good clothes, masterwork weapons and armor and set them up with a 500gp fund to operate from.
Syf, Red and Fenris then went to investigate. Suspicions were confirmed and a battle ensued. Defeated were 4 bearded devils. 10 slave workers were freed and a plot to establish a permanent gate to somewhere thwarted. The devils bore the symbol of the Rasdovain Family.
Tomorrow we shall meet the CoWs and turn over the Crux.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Game 9/26
Notes 9/19/10
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Experience End of Part Two
Recovered: +1 Keen Longsword, +2 Defending Longsword, +1 Cold Iron Battleaxe, Wand Cure Light Wounds CL5 33 charges, Ring of Feather Falling, and a Minor Crown of Blasting.
Papers: Long outdated investment papers, lists of debts, and various notes on blackmail victims--while once totaling nearly 120,00gp in value, these papers are now worthless thanks to the passage of time and the deaths of most involved.
Books: Andoren Philosophy (200gp), Illustrated scenic journey through Osirion (230gp), 3 Volumes on the teachings of a spirit naga entitled Libra malifactum (400gp), A spellbook with ten 1st level, ten 2nd level, seven 3rd level, and three 4th level spells of the players choice. (can only choose from the Pathfinder players, Pathfinder Advanced Handbook, spell compendium, or the 2 Wizards of the coast Complete Arcane series.
A scroll of Contagion CL9 was hidden in the spine of the spellbook. 1300gp, Ivory box with a carved lid depicting an army of golems destroying a city wall. The box is worth 800gp and it held a golembane scarab and a Wand of Rusting Grasp with 7 charges.
The Chelish Crux measures 6 inches in diameter, each face carved with a different rune.
Again great job and enjoy the experience, there is more now that we are dividing by 5 instead of six.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday September 19th
Sunday, September 12, 2010
We returned to the library to rest. During our rest 6 medium size quill monkeys attacked. We eventually are able to kill them all. We retreated to the entry hall where the dogs and the caster were raised and assaulted us. we destroyed them and continued for an 18 hour total rest. After resting we returned to the stairwell room and went down the hallway. Through this area there appears to be a wailing coming from deeper in the knot. Found wand of dispel magic – 10 charges (Jarl.) Amulet of tears (red) (MIC p70.) 3 charges/day. HP last 10min. 1/12 - 2/18 - 3/24 temp hp. (Red) Gloves of fortunate striking (Syf). Reroll an attack roll before determining if ability it succeeded. MIC P105/106. Sandals of sprinting p131 MIC. Activate: +30’ enhancement to landspeed until next round. Swift action. 3x / day. We came upon a devil by the name of Xasmir locked in one of the cells. Darkantoveed locked him into the chamber. Former mayor of westcrown. Xasmir was his majordomo at the time. We broke through the lock, removed the dimensional anchor, and then destroyed him. Third eye of freedom. Activate to trigger freedom of movement 1rd. 1x/ day. MIC p141. (Jarl.) Found some windows that appear to look somewhere in hell. We entered a room with churning water and 3 water ghouls and a water ghast leap out of the water and attack red. Pouch 52s, gold ring engraged “My dearest Jabe” 100g, glove with 4 amethyst (100g each), Wand of Levitate (8Ch) , scowling silver mask 200g (all a little high.) White gained command of two of the water ghouls. Red was levitated and moved down the passage beyond the churning water room. At the end there is a steep descent and red heard a soft melodious voice singing/chanting.
Action die left: All of group 1x, Tony 4x
We returned to the library to rest. During our rest 6 medium size quill monkeys attacked. We eventually are able to kill them all. We retreated to the entry hall where the dogs and the caster were raised and assaulted us. we destroyed them and continued for an 18 hour total rest. After resting we returned to the stairwell room and went down the hallway. Through this area there appears to be a wailing coming from deeper in the knot. Found wand of dispel magic – 10 charges (Jarl.) Amulet of tears (red) (MIC p70.) 3 charges/day. HP last 10min. 1/12 - 2/18 - 3/24 temp hp. (Red) Gloves of fortunate striking (Syf). Reroll an attack roll before determining if ability it succeeded. MIC P105/106. Sandals of sprinting p131 MIC. Activate: +30’ enhancement to landspeed until next round. Swift action. 3x / day. We came upon a devil by the name of Xasmir locked in one of the cells. Darkantoveed locked him into the chamber. Former mayor of westcrown. Xasmir was his majordomo at the time. We broke through the lock, removed the dimensional anchor, and then destroyed him. Third eye of freedom. Activate to trigger freedom of movement 1rd. 1x/ day. MIC p141. (Jarl.) Found some windows that appear to look somewhere in hell. We entered a room with churning water and 3 water ghouls and a water ghast leap out of the water and attack red. Pouch 52s, gold ring engraged “My dearest Jabe” 100g, glove with 4 amethyst (100g each), Wand of Levitate (8Ch) , scowling silver mask 200g (all a little high.) White gained command of two of the water ghouls. Red was levitated and moved down the passage beyond the churning water room. At the end there is a steep descent and red heard a soft melodious voice singing/chanting.
Action die left: All of group 1x, Tony 4x
Saturday, September 11, 2010
off topic
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Beginning of the knot. All Xp from this point.
Upon entering the asmodean knot, White failed his save. In the entry there is a corpse that appears to have tried to claw out of the entry. He also has a scroll in hand and a hewards handy haversack. Pearl of power (2) Scroll: Chill touch, command undead, ray of exhaustion, vampiric touch, false life.
On the note we found possible passwords to get into the vault:
“Hope one of them works to open the vault.”
Upon entering the first room the whispers continued and the sound of howling begins. Floors are polished black stone whiel the walls are wood. First book on the shelves “methods of torture for entertainment.” Four evil hounds came out of the darkness. Eventually all four creatures are destroyed. After spending some time healing and searching the books a bone devil popped and assaulted Tony. Eventually the bone devil teleported away. Part way through the fight a female devilish woman appeared. She seems to have similar abilities as red. She departed as well. As we proceeded up we drug one of the wolfish creatures on to the landing. In addition we arcane marked each landing slightly different to provide a guide back to the beginning. The 4th landing leads to a secret door where we are all attacked by shadows. Red touched one of the mirrors\ which summoned multiple shadows. The bone devil returned and summoned another bone devil. One of the devils threw the ranger out into the stairwell which caused syf to eventually fall on a landing. The stairwell is some kind of closed infinite loop. The 2nd bone devil eventually disappeared. The original bone devil eventually gated away.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Game notes 8/29/2010
Upon searching the doorways it is determined that the trap summons a bone devil which attacked Red. Throughout the combat the bone devil eventually took both of the tieflings and dropped them outside. Red located a stash of very expensive wine (200g/bottle.) A secret door opened up into a long narrow hallway. Part way in the hall there’s a glyphed area. Eventualy found mayors bedroom. Found Mayor’s write for legal trespassing. Red found in the closet two separate disguises. One is recognized as the maggot infested hell knight that was with the female hell knight. Found mayor’s cache of 750pp. In mayor’s room we came through a portal. The ranger and the sorc lost all of their belongings. Eventually we found the attic. After searching around we located a secret door that lead us to the asmodean knot.
Xp: 1800
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Upcoming Game Days
Next Game: 08/29/10
Its been awhile:)
After that: 09/05/10, 09/12/10
The poker league that Don, Tony, and I play in starts back up on 09/19/10 so we'll be off that week.
09/26/10 I'm available to play.
Also a reminder that ICON at LLCC is the weekend of Friday September 10th through Sunday September 12th. I'll be running a Mutants and Masterminds D20 on Saturday the 11th.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Game notes 8/8/12
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A partner for Jim?
It would eliminate some confusion and let Todd's main character stand out more. As it is now, I just feel like Todd gets extra rolls, (make a perception check...ok Todd made it with two characters). I haven't really noticed any roleplaying or difference in characterization in everyone's interactions.
The other benefit to this would be the party having a trusted member keeping an eye on the homefront, that member would always only be a "Gorby" away if you needed help and could be called on if you expected a particularly difficult encounter or if someone extra showed up for a Sunday session.
Let me know your thoughts.
Jandri Rufano Human Monk.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Just Wondering
Sunday, August 1, 2010
8/1/2010 Game notes

We visited the Nollman family gathering. Jarl charmed one of the kids at the meeting who told us about the others at the meeting. Three guards came out. One of the guards was recognized as a local master of the bastard sword and the other two are likely two of his apprentices. An old man at the table (who speaks very slowly) addresses us that we were the topic of discussion prior to us showing. In discussion with the old man we advised that we had expanded “Jim’s” territory. This created some anger amongst the Nollman’s. Lt. Stalarnon was mentioned and they mentined no, find Talarnos (A9). Old man offers a trade agreement 50 years of defined lines and use of mining tools as allowing us to further expand our territory slightly. After the agreement we went on our way back to the island. Upon returning to the island Red got caught by a devil. There are a total of three with flaming bows. DM1 went invisible. 2/3 split up away from the paladin. Eventually 2/3 disappeared as well. Upon returning to the play we saw the three devils on stage with three entangled people. There were three riddles that needed to be answered. On the 2nd question Thesing had the wrong answer and the 2nd entangled person is consumed. The 3rd answer let him pass through w/o losing his soul. Eventually the play concludes and the troupe all survives. The mayor invites all back to the manor for the cornucopia.
Xp: 600
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
King Arthur: Where?
Tim: There!
King Arthur: What? Behind the rabbit?
Tim: It *is* the rabbit!
King Arthur: You silly sod!
Tim: What?
King Arthur: You got us all worked up!
Tim: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit.
King Arthur: Ohh.
Tim: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Sir Robin: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!
Tim: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!
Sir Galahad: Get stuffed!
Tim: He'll do you up a treat, mate.
Sir Galahad: Oh, yeah?
Sir Robin: You manky Scots git!
Tim: I'm warning you!
Sir Robin: What's he do? Nibble your bum?
Tim: He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!
King Arthur: Go on, Bors. Chop his head off!
Sir Bors: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!
[after Bors is killed by the killer rabbit]
Tim: I *warned* you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you *knew*, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little *bunny*, isn't it?
what she's wearing tonight
This is her basic walk-around-town garb. She adds other items as needed for adventuring.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
7/25/2010 Notes
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The newest addition to Rufano Village
Notes 7/18/10

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Game Notes 7/11/2010

Upon questioning the dragons they explain to us that this is a dragon turtle breeding ground. The ruins are from a forgotten age. The “Keepers of the Burning Earth” are located in the monastery. Two buildings, one for the children and one for the master. Two of the dragonkin jumped ship. A few minutes after docking at the monastery a small group of dragonkin approached. A few halfdragons escorted us toward the monastery to be presented to the master to discuss our claim of ownership. Architecture appears that it would not burn. Greenish tint. Inside the building the rooms appear to be catacomb like. In center of monastery appears a half dragon/half giant. Also appears large pockets of various debris. 1st/2nd stories appear to be strong, just the upper portion appears ruined. Throughout the ruins there’s conversation and low thumps and hums on the ground. Toward center of the island there is some sort of steam geyser. After discussion of ownership of goods the half giant went toward building with the master. Upon returning he will only speak with our own half dragon. Dragon granted that we could take some of the green stone (no more than the paladins weight) and that we can keep our goods. The half giant indicates there is a place called “titanium falls”. The underground river leads out to a lake. Elf escaped from deep stone and was then captured by the halfdragons. Elf appears to be a sorc and he agrees to act as help back in our neighborhood. Elf’s name is Graff.
On the way back to westcrown several flying humanoids (half dragon.) the half giant and several others came chasing after us. #1 flew away with a ruptured spleen. #3 was killed and #6 got killed on the way out. 2,4, and 5 escaped.
Loot: Ogre had a 5,000gp gem. 1,000g misc. Gems.
12 potions available.
Letter from Ecardian (with the council) to Crusher (the half dragon) regarding the loot and allowing him to skim off the top of the agreement with Atharvox.
The paladin returned to westcrown to collect scartis. The group holed up in the caves. Upon returning the paladin saw a large shape off outside of the caves moving. Appeared to be some kind of humanoid type creature.
We continued down into the cave and down to the lower level again. Ended with the group heading back to meet with the dragon.
Xp: 1100
Loot distribution
(party) 2x Barrels of alchemists fire (Can be broken down to 12 alch fire each.)
--Jarl 1x Staff of energies (Sorc) – Adds Acid Splash, Burning Hands, magic missile, ray of frost, shocking grasp
--Jarl 1x Wand of searing weapon (30 charges) 1 min/lvl (3 min) +1d6 acid dmg
(party) 1x Masterwork Comp Longbow (+3 str)
Syf- 1x Rhombocrystal (+5 comp bonus to appraise gems/jewels.) +1 luck score
(party) 1x Mask of cutting flesh +2 fort vs fort saves, add’l if follower of Zon-Kuthon (2d4+2 force lash.) Also can command to change from mask to leather cap.
(party) 1x Flask of the reaper (1/day +5 alch bonus to poison saves / hide checks 1 hr. Add’l effects if follower of Norberger +5 move silent, search, slight of hand 1 hour) 1/day can pour acid as per acid flask.
(party) 1x Barbed pentacle of asmodius (+1 deflection, add’l effects if worshipper of Asmodeus May use own blood to increase dc of written spells +1 and acts as holy symbol)
(1x party 1x red) 2x Ring of Throwing (Increases range of throwing 50%) (1 to red, other left open.)
--Fenris 1x Tanglefoot ring (3x per day as if tanglefoot bag. DC18 Luck to save use)
(party) 1x Scholar’s ring (Use – read magic)
(party) 1x Ring of the north star (glows when facing north)
Given to Graff 1x Ring of canine control (DC 11+Cha+Luck bonus vs canines)
Quite the Haul
Faint enchantment; CL 1st, Forge Ring, charm animal; Price: 1,800 gp.
Ring of the North Star: A ring of the north star always has a single quartz gem mounted in a square setting. As a standard action the wearer may focus on the quartz, which then glows slightly. The glow focuses on one section of the ring like a tiny star, showing the direction of North.
Faint divination; CL 1st, Forge Ring, know direction; Price: 900 gp.
Scholar’s Ring: These simple rings are generally made from gold wire and greenish glass that forms a tiny pair of spectacles. Anyone wearing a scholar’s ring can speak a command word to read magical writings as if under the effects of a read magic spell.
Faint divination; CL 1st; Forge Ring, read magic; Price: 900 gp.
Tanglefoot Ring: When its command word is spoken, a tanglefoot ring fires a blob of adhesive as a ranged touch attack (with a range increment of 10 feet). On a successful attack the blob bursts open, entangling the target with goo which becomes tough and resilient upon exposure to air.
An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a the effect of a tanglefoot ring. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot ring does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the goo immediately. 3XDAY Luck Check DC 18 to keep use.
Faint conjuration; CL 1st; Forge Ring, entangle; Price: 1,800 gp.
(2) Ring of Throwing: A character wearing a ring of throwing increases the range increment of everything he throws by 50%.
Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Forge Ring, mage hand; Price: 1,250 gp.
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Aura faint abjuration; CL 1st Slot neck; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This iron disk is inscribed with an inverted pentagram, decorated around its outer edge with tiny metal barbs (facing slightly forward so as to not snag if worn outside clothing), and hangs from an iron chain. When worn visibly, it provides a +1 deflection bonus on AC.
If Asmodeus is your patron, the pentacle counts as a holy symbol. By holding it and speaking a command word, you may use charm person once per day. If you squeeze the pentacle so its barbs draw your blood (1 point of damage), you may use that blood as ink, writing with a quill or even your finger for up to 1 hour; the blood-ink dries instantly on the writing surface so it never smudges, and if used as part of a magical spell you cast which requires or is augmented by writing (such as magic circle against evil or sepia snake sigil), the DC of that spell increases by +1.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, inflict minor wounds, shield of faith; Cost 1,500 gp, 120 XP
Flask of the Reaper
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd Slot none; Price 3,800 gp; Weight —
This metal container looks like a hip flask for carrying alcoholic drinks except it is barely larger than a potion vial. The side of the flask may be blank or have a personalized decoration, but the screw-on stopper usually bears a mark like a shield or perhaps a featureless mask. Once per day, you can drink from it and gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison and a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks for 1 hour. If Norgorber is your patron, in addition to the above ability, once per day you may drink from the flask to gain a +5 competence bonus on Move Silently, Search, or Sleight of Hand checks. Once per day, you can pour acid from the flask (equivalent in volume to a standard acid flask).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, acid splash, resistance, creator must have at least 5 ranks in Hide, Move Silently, Search, and Sleight of Hand; Cost 1,900 gp, 152 XP
Mask of Cutting Flesh
Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd Slot mask; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This black leather mask is studded with bits of bone and metal, with smooth-sewn holes for eyes, mouth, and nostrils; it laces in the back with long straps and covers the entire face, leaving only the ears and back of the head exposed. When worn, you gain a +2 resistance bonus on Fortitude saving throws. If Zon-Kuthon is your patron, once per day you can whisper a command word to lash out at a target within 100 feet, slashing them with an invisible blade of force for 2d4+2 points of force damage. As a free action, you can will the mask to unlace, reshape itself into a leather cap on top of your head, or hide itself within your shirt or helm.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate rope, magic missile, resistance; Cost 1,500 gp, 120 XP
Aura faint evocation; CL 1st Slot none; Price 2,250 gp; Weight —
This jewel-like lens slowly changes colors over time. Most owners set it in a metal fixture on a chain and carry it as a pendant, monocle, or loupe. It acts as a magnifying glass and gives you a +5 competence bonus on Appraise checks involving gems and crystals. It also provides a +1 Bonus to your Luck score.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor, creator must have 5 ranks in Appraise; Cost 1,125 gp, 90 XP
Masterwork Composite Longboy Strength 16 (+3)
Wand of Searing Weapon. 30 Charges
Searing Weapon School Transmutation
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Target: Weapon touched
Duration: One minute/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
Searing weapon gives a weapon an enhancement that deals and additional +1d6 acid damage on each successful strike. This spell fails if cast upon a weapon that already deals additional damage of some elemental type. It cannot be cast on a natural weapon or a collection of ammunition, though it can be cast on a ranged weapon, imbuing all missiles fired from the weapon the additional damage for the spell's duration.
Staff of Energies (Sorcerer)
A staff of energies is always made of a decorative wood with striking color, such as mahogany, bloodwood, cherry, or rosewood. The wood is carved into a smooth, twisting column and stained and polished to a warm glowing finish. These staffs are most often carried by monster hunters, who want to make sure they always have access to at least one spell a foe either isn’t resistant against, or has a particular weakness to. A staff of energies gives its wielder the additional spells known acid splash, burning hands, magic missile, ray of frost and shocking grasp.
Weak varied; CL 1st; Create Staff, acid splash, burning hands,magic missile, ray of frost, shocking grasp; Price 1,375 gp.
(2) Barrels of Alchemist Fire: If one barrell is used all at once 10d6 Fire Damage, 5d6 second round. If separated out, it will provide 12 Vials of Alchemist Fire. 600 GP Each
(3) Large Rolls of Fine Silks (500 gp each)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
7/4/2010 Game notes
On way to the caves we encountered a will’o wisp and some wights clawing from the ground. From atop the ridge a graveknight attacks. Multiple rounds of attacks create negative levels on various party members. One wight was destroyed. The graveknight charged off after slamming the monk and ranger with a large 2h mace. Eventually the wights went away.
XP: 200
We continued on to Amapus to rest and get rid of the negative levels. Villagers tell of increased lizardfolk activity. House rule: If you go to the village first, no luck check to the caves.
Additional house rule: When using a wand and the use magic device the character can continue to use that wand for a number of uses up to the ranks in Use Magic Device.
Upon getting to the cave area there are piles of refuse outside each blocking the caves. Discovered 3 passages. Left, Right, and Up. Up is a small crawl space. Located a drain in the middle of the cave (natural.) Near the drain there appears to be a moveable section of stone. Red spotted a trap that would fill water in the cave. Upon moving the stone there’s a spiral stair leading to a more heated environment. After about 25’ there’s an opening. A dozen or so lizardfolk across stone and beach and water. Two distinct shapes on the water where some of the lizardfolk are. Appears to be a shell converted to barge. There appear to be multiple cages on the barges.
Lizard folk appear to be partial to half dragon. Killed multiple of the blue, one yellow, and the red/blue dragons gave up. The green one escaped.
Xp: 600
Loot to be posted later.